Rose B. Simpson: Transformance 

Nevada Museum of Art


Production | Exhibition Grant

In conjunction with her solo exhibition at the Nevada Museum of Art, Rose B. Simpson will present Transformance, a performance that triggers internal transformations in public space. The performance will take the form of a processional featuring seven local indigenous women or gender queer people walking through the streets of downtown Reno, NV. The performers will wear protective regalia created by the artist from hand-tooled pieces of wood, leather, and metal. Simpson will develop the transformance through collaborative work with her performers and invite their tribal communities to attend. Conceived in counterpoint to the 2021 Art + Environment Conference hosted concurrently at the museum, the project will use physical presence to bring awareness to the suppressed ecological and cultural histories of Reno, Nevada.

Founded in 1931, the Nevada Museum of Art strives to offer meaningful art and cultural experiences and to foster new knowledge in the visual arts by encouraging interdisciplinary investigation. Its programming is centered on examining how humans interact with their natural, built, and virtual surroundings.

To learn more, visit the Nevada Museum of Art.

Image: Maria, 2014. 1985 Chevy El Camino. Bodywork and customization by artist. Designs inspired by traditional Tewa black on black pottery, named after Maria Martinez of San Ildefonso Pueblo. Photo by Kate Russell.