Antenna: Spillways

New Orleans, LA

June 2017 – December 2018

Incubator Grant 

Antenna’s Spillways is a project incubation residency that hosts national and international artists with the goal of developing and producing large scale, publicly-engaged artistic projects in the Greater New Orleans region. During a two-year cycle, Spillways connects four residents to the local community, in addition to potential project funders, acting as “feet on the ground” for residents and assisting at all levels of a project to bring their visions to fruition. After an initial two-week visit, participants are asked to draft a proposal for a project that questions, transforms, or expands upon the vibrant cultural fabric of the region. 2017-2018 Spillways residents included artists Dread Scott and Chloe Bass, and the Residents for the 2018-19 cycle include Paul Ramirez Jonas, Delaney Nolan, Jesse Sugarman, Hui-Ying Tsai, and collaborative duos Maureen Conner / Eugenia Manwelyan, and Joseph Cuillier / Shani Peters.

Founded in 2005, Antenna originated as a New Orleans collective of artists and writers collaborating at the intersection of the visual and the literary, with a focus on arts-based events and book publishing. Since then, they have expanded into public arts programming for the greater New Orleans populace and support for visual artists and writers.

For more information please visit Antenna.


A Photoshop mockup for Slave Rebellion Reenactment envision Norco oil refinery as a backdrop, by Dread Scott.

The only public commemoration of the 1811 Slave Rebellion. Photo by Dread Scott.